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Writer's pictureChelsi Matthews


Hello to all of you from Ghana!

Here in Ghana the heat can get intense, especially recently. At this same moment that we are experiencing such heat, the fall season in the US continues to transition gradually to a cooler season. There are different seasons of life concerning climate as well as our circumstances we live in. The picture above is another favorite sunset photo I have been able to capture here in the village. I feel like the past two months have been a season of growth for me just like this corn. A season I desperately needed as I was becoming parched. I shared before that I was experiencing some health issue from the beginning of September. After a long medical investigation here, I still do not know exactly what the issue was. Right now I am so thankful and humbled to share that I feel much better from the inside out! I praise God for that and for the prayers from all of you! During this season of growth, I have been forced to slow down and spend more intimate time with my Heavenly Father. Sometimes, especially in oversees ministry, it can be easy to get caught up in the “go” in the command to “Go therefore” …. But in a more recent devotion from Oswald Chambers, I was awakened that the “go” simply means to “live”. Whether we are in Ghana or any other corner of the earth, including the US, then our command is to live for Him wherever He has us placed.

“Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” … Matthew 9:38

I am grateful to be placed here in Zuime for this season of life. Living here has allowed me to see others through the lens of Christ. He met people where they were in whatever situation they were going through. I am continually being molded and shaped in my personal relationship with Him as I live here witnessing and experiencing all the different seasons of life with the people who live here. Unfortunately, that includes seasons of sickness, death, disappointments, and struggles. Just this month there were 2 unexpected and tragic deaths, both who were young boys. One boy, 8 years old, died of Malaria. The other boy drowned in the ocean while playing with his friends one Sunday morning. These deaths are a sobering reality of the hardships here. Malaria is now curable, and the drowning incident happened where there was no supervision for a large group of children. The urgency to “go” is clear in this environment. Education and resources are needed, but ultimately discipleship and prayer are key. We must pray that “the lord of the harvest will send laborers.” But even more so, that discipleship will take root for the believers here to “go” where they are placed to reach out to their own neighbors. There are laborers here among the harvest, they just need watering…. As we all do.

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

One weekend I needed to go to a town called Ho, which is about 2 and a half hours away from Aflao. I had a doctor’s appointment as well as an opportunity to meet with a missionary family that has been living here in Ghana for over 20 years. I was able to spend the night at their home and hear all about what God has done during their time here, as well as receive advice and encouragement. On my last day in Ho, Precious came to Ho with my roommates to meet me in the town for us to go visit the school compound where we hope to be enrolling Precious when school resumes here in Ghana. The school’s name is Sonrise, and it is a very well-run school from what I could tell. One of the admissions staff workers has been helpful in communicating all the details to make this opportunity possible for Precious. I am excited for this new chapter in Precious’s life. He is still facing many challenges and temptations, but he has recently committed to come and be discipled in God’s Word. The rest is up to him to walk through the door God has opened for him.

My friends Rumana and Prince are both doing well right now. Rumana still lights up anytime she receives visitors and Prince is always in the mood to sing about his head and shoulders, knees and toes. Rumana’s mom is struggling right now for funds to feed her and her 6 children. She recently started selling porridge in the evenings which has helped out in a small way. One day while I was visiting, I learned from the mother that her oldest daughter, Nurah, was in danger of being married off soon. Nurah is 13 years old right now. I was very alarmed to hear this news, but thankfully after some more investigations I found out that if something like this happened then it could be brought straight to social welfare and Nurah would be safe and under the care of social welfare. That does not mean that the risk is not still there, that is why several people have been alerted of the situation and will be watching closely to make sure nothing like this will happen. Again, this was another reminder of how much evil is in this world. Our only hope is in Christ because no matter what may happen, nothing can separate us from His love.

As for Wisdom, he is feeling much better and has even put on weight since he was taken to hospital. His living situation is still not safe for him and his severe needs. Often when I go to visit him, I find he has been left alone in the compound. I also fear the weight he has put on is due to eating too much akple, which is a corn based meal, rather than the nutrients his body desperately needs. We have been able to provide a caretaker that has been going daily to bath Wisdom and make sure he eats at least one meal while she is there. She is able to stay about an hour. That has been a huge help. I pray that the social welfare will continue to work towards having Wisdom placed in a special care facility called: My Father’s House. Trusting The Lord and His perfect timing in all of this, and that his grandmother will become more responsible for him in meeting his needs.

I captured this photo of Sherrita and two of her children one Friday afternoon after she came to prepare the groundnuts and milo for the children coming for classes. She has her hands full with these two along with another boy and two older girls. This was a special moment because this was after myself and the other teachers who are helping with the classes got to spend some time with Sherrita and fellowship with her. She shared with us many of her burdens, and we discovered that she does not know the age of all of her children. She became pregnant at age 15 and the man that is the father of her two older girls died about 10 years ago. The smaller children are from different men all for survival. It is part of the culture here that a woman must bare children for a man for him to provide for her. Unfortunately, the man still sometimes abandons the woman along with the children. This is what has happened to Sherrita. I pray that we can continue to love on her and her children as she discovered that our hope cannot be in man, but in the One who gave us life and can give it abundantly!

4-6 years old

7-9 years old

10-12 years old

13-15 years old

The classes we have been hosting have had its ups and downs as far as logistics, but finally we have it all sorted out and found a system that work! The children are now all separated in groups by age and spread out to different locations. We did this because we were hearing different rumors from the teachers in the town of Aflao that were doing the same thing were told to reduce the number of children gathering together and have them wear masks….so we did the best we could do in our environment to follow the protocols and respect what the gov has asked of the people. Ghana will also have their Presidential election on Dec 7th. We pray that once the election is over here, then the government will put more focus on the children’s education and well-being rather than political agendas. I am so grateful for how the teachers that have been helping with the classes have really made a difference in just a short amount of time to help the children regain what was lost during this time of no school.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

I have faith God will continue to work in the lives among the people I call family here. I have hope that the ones who have not yet placed their faith in Him will do so soon. I pray that all will come to receive the sustaining love of Christ and pour it out among others! My heart is full of gratitude for all who read these updates. I cannot express it enough. It is difficult to share everything that happens here because every day is full of up and down and everything in between. The updates are to highlight all that God is doing in the lives of the people here as well as show how because of the donations sent here so many needs have been met! Here are just a few:

  • Tuition for teachers to continue going to university.

  • Funds to help single mothers such as Sherrita start a business of selling charcoal, and for my friend Irene to start learning the trade of being a seamstress.

  • Resources for the classes and a snack every Friday after the classes are over.

  • Funds to take people to the hospital in an emergency when they have no means to do so themselves.

  • My personal upkeep and transportation funds.

Thank you all from my heart to yours. Lord willing, I will be traveling to the States in December. It was a tough decision to make whether I should travel or not, but the more I prayed over it the clearer it became that it is the right thing to do. I hope to touch base with anyone interested to meet with me personally to discuss more of what is happening here in Ghana! I would love that. Please feel free to reach out any time. God bless you all!


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