And we know that in all things, God works everything together for the good…
Romans 8:28a
Hello everyone!
Whatever circumstance or challenge you may be going through right now, I encourage you with the scripture above as a reminder, that God is in control. He works all things together. He provides connections to others in this life that He knows will work. He has a purpose for all things. He is good.
I look forward to sharing more with you about the connections God has provided since my last newsletter, and how He has worked it all out according to His purposes that were beyond my understanding.
Through one of my ministry connections, Gladys, introduced me to a young lady who knows how to teach simple liquid soap and bleach. Many women in communities that are more remote from a major town do not have any sustainable way of income for their families. Unfortunately, most of these woman either never attended or never completed school. So, the need for trainings such as this is a need. Once we were able to collect all necessary ingredients and supplies to make the soap, we were able to gather women in the area where Glady has recently started a primary school. Most of the mothers of the students from this school attended the liquid soap training. We spent some time in worship and devotion before beginning the day of learning! It was a sweet time, and the women were so excited to go home and apply what they learned. Because of The Lord’s provision through many of you reading this, we were able to send each woman who participated home with a “starter set” of ingredients so they can make their first batch to go and sell for profit.

It never ceases to amaze me how God brings people into my life in such unexpected ways. I visited a church while in Accra a few months ago and met a college student that needed an internship for her degree program. Zeita happened to be one of the worship leaders at the church and had a sweet gift and passion for singing and using those gifts to glorify The Lord. When I shared with her about the Sustaining Love Kids program in the Volta Region that we do, she expressed interest to come and join us for her internship. Next thing I knew, she came to spend three weeks with us! Zeita had never been outside of the Accra area before. She was not too accustomed to the way of life in the Volta. Nevertheless, she stepped out of her comfort zone, as she tried different food, met new people, visited different and hard to reach areas, and communicated in broken ways due to language barriers. As I observed Zeita during her time with us, I was reminded of how I have also experienced many of the same challenges she was going through in an environment different from her normal. We were able to have open conversations about this as I shared with her some of the ways God has brought me through various cultural challenges to build bridges of love to the Gospel. With that, she pushed through the obstacles she felt and fully invested her time with the children at the program to teach them new songs, dances, drama, and just simply loved them. The students were captivated by her unique way of interacting with them. She also joined me on moving around the community of Zuime (as well as other parts of the Volta) to visit and spend time with those God has put in my life to share truth with. Zeita formed a sweet relationship with a young Muslim girl that she could communicate in Twi with, which was a huge breakthrough because I had only been able to communicate in broken English up to that point with this girl. Each place she went, she established a true connection based on love with the new people she met. I am excited to see how God will continue to grow the seeds she planted in so many lives in such a short time.

Meet Karimatu, who is a young Muslim girl that is so open to talking about Christ. She even joins in on evening programs with her son to learn more. This is by the Grace! But, it is also complicated for her. Please pray she continues to seek truth boldly without hesitation from what others may say or think.

This is David. He took us out on the lagoon to show us the fishing life. At first, he thought it would just be a time to laugh and receive some token for his “tour of the lagoon”. But what ended up happening, through the intervention of God’s timing and words, we were able to have open and vulnerable conversation with this young David. He has been a fisherman by force since he was 10 years old. His father took him out of school to help him on the water. By force, he learned to swim, fish, and work day and night on the lagoon. His mom had died when he started this work with his father. She was the one who wanted him to stay in school. Now, a young man, he still wants to go to school, but thinks its too late. All he knows is the life of a fisherman. The other boys with similar stories on the water have become his only family. It is a very rough lifestyle they live for daily bread. I hope to make a visit to him again soon, not only to teach him basic skills to read and write, but to teach him more about the David in the Bible after God’s own heart, and how that can also be true for him!

I have known Junior since I first came to Ghana. I have watched him grow into a hard-working, gentle, and uniquely motivated young person in his environment. Despite having a severe eye sight challenge his whole life, he has done well in school up to this point. Recently, he wrote the Ghana National exam for JHS students called BECE. Along with all the other students in the country, he is waiting for his results. He has chosen to come around the Sustaining Love Kids program to help out, and be productive, rather than roam around the community freely with no responsibility. Junior loves Jesus, and is always eager to learn more! He told me that he plans to start a Bible study once he gets to SHS. We were able to get an up-to-date eye exam recently. Unfortunately, his eye sight has even decreased. We got him some glasses that should help him to see the board and read his textbooks, but it will still be a challenge for him. He has such zeal. None of this has distraught him!
God has made a way into an Islam school through the distribution of learning materials sent from US! A few weeks ago, one of the students of this school was having a medical crisis, which was quickly deemed a demonic encounter. God knows all things, and He had a purpose for the encounter. I was able to be connected with the head of this Islam school where the student attended. He welcomed me and invited me to come to their school anytime for helping one of their students. So, Zeita and I went to visit one day to hand out the supplies. We were received openly and even invited back to come and train the teachers in how to use the learning materials. God is so good and purposeful!!
As I close the newsletter, I want to share how God has been so faithful in providing fellowship during some tough season life. No matter what we may be going through, He knows, sees, and cares for our heart cries to Him. Even when we do not see or understand what He may be doing at the moment. He has a purpose to work all things together for good. It has been good to have ladies that I see as true sisters. No matter our cultural, language, and various differences, we are united in fellowship with Christ. Through Him, we have a bond and love. Recently, they received support for bicycles to help them move around daily. For so long, they have walked by foot and paid difficult transportation fees to get around. Now, they have a mode of transportation. Wheels for Jesus!
Thank you all once again for your continued support. As I continue to seek The Lord daily in His Will, I am reminded and humbled for how He is been so faithful. He has sustained. He is good.
Love and prayers to all!