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Writer's picture: Chelsi MatthewsChelsi Matthews

Most days I live in oblivion to God’s perpetual inviting, yet there are moments when the lord breaks in. It is then that I find myself in what the Celts called the “thin place”, where the veil that separates the eternal from the temporal becomes so thin and permeable that through a vibrant sunset or a child at play, I get a whiff of celestial air. And there it is again: God’s invitation, always beckoning, pressing, even disturbing me, reminding me of His consistent longing for…me. He has created me for Himself. Oh, the Inviter is astonishingly long-suffering in His love!

- Dr. Myra Perrine


Hello everyone!

I am writing this newsletter from Ghana! What a whirlwind it has been from the moment I jumped on a plane at the end of December to just a few days ago that I landed back in Ghana. The visit to the US was unexpected and unplanned, but through all the “unknowns,” God remained the same. I did have the opportunity to take time to just be still before The Lord, and during those moments, I studied, reflected, and prayed about different seasons He brings us to and through by invitation, as well as the surrender that must take place to be in position to truly hear and obey Him.

Through all the hustle and bustle of being back among loved ones and faith families that received me with open arms to come and share about The Lord’s work in Ghana, I am full of gratitude for all that God has done in my heart and through others’ faithful giving towards the spread of Christ’s Sustaining Love in Ghana for such a time as this.

I have no immediate plans as of now. My heart is open, I am equipped with resources given generously from faith families, and I am praying for discernment as I continue to reach out to other ministries in collaboration to spread Christ-centered educational interventions for children in vulnerable environments. Please join me in prayer! I look forward to continue updating you all on this journey The Lord has me on!

I would like to share a few pictures from my time in the US that I had the blessing of spending some much needed and refreshing moments out in God’s creation, which is my favorite thing to do whenever I have the opportunity to do so! I have always felt The Lord specifically speaking to me while I am spending time with Him in His creation.

From this side of the world to yours, I pray The Lord continues to reveal Himself to you all in Might ways!!

Love in Christ,


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