Greetings from Ghana!!
I write this update from a grateful and humbled heart. Since my last update I have experienced a rollercoaster of medical, spiritual, and emotional battles that can only be defeated by being held by the Grip of God….. Hence the title of this newsletter 😊 If you have been reading these updates for some time, then you will notice I normally borrow from Oswald Chambers as well. His insights from God’s Word are usually how I start my mornings with Jesus. During a time I desperately needed to be reminded of God’s sovereignty, I read one of his devotions focused on Philippians 3:12 which says:
I press on, that I may lay hold of that for
which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
No matter what, if we feel His calling and leading in our life, then we cannot think that we are not suited for a certain challenge or task. This is something I needed to learn and grow in during an almost 3-week sickness I experienced. For anyone, it is not if but when one will get sick. I knew that malaria was a huge risk here, but it has taken me since being here on and off since 2018 to experience the sickness. It is brutal to be honest, and it opened up so many different little attacks on my body that seemed to just be waiting to erupt! But I needed that experience to practice sincere faith in letting go and letting God take control. I am in His grip, and whatever He has in store, I must hold fast to Him through it ALL. I am thankful to express that I am doing so much better. Thanks to all that were aware and kept me in your prayers!!
The above pictures are from an evening of showing the Jesus Film deep in the bush one night. This is most likely when I was first infected with malaria. Would I do it again? Absolutely!! Is it worth it?? YES!! Most of the ones who came to watch the film are already believers, but to witness them watch and hear in their heart language the full story of Jesus was humbling and encouraging. They watched in ewe, and cheered in moments of Jesus performing miracles, wept during His crucifixion, and cheered again during His resurrection. It was a sweet time.
This project began a few months ago, and we are now finally in the stage of distributing the pillows to the widows in the community. So far, 10 pillows have been made. One of the seamstresses that also loves Jesus has been a huge help in making sure we had pillows completed! She came and set up her sewing machine one afternoon and allowed the students to help her cut material and stuff the materials. It was a group effort as the older ones helped with the pillows, and the younger students were assigned the task of making cards and coloring pictures to send with the pillows. Some students even paired in groups to make their own personal contributions to purchase goods and provisions for the widows. They contributed enough to purchase some washing soap and Tom Brown, which is a local mixture that makes a sustainable porridge. Each widow’s bag included a pillow, card, coloring picture, washing soap, and Tom Brown 😊. One Friday afternoon we went out in groups to distribute. We were all spread out in different areas of the community. We will plan to finish the distribution next week! The group I went with prepared a song to sing and read a scripture from an Ewe Bible. The woman we visited was both surprised and grateful.
Sustaining Love KIDS... Love is our Standard!

Here is another group photo of the ones who have been faithfully helping me show the love of Christ in the community of Zuime! This is after they received their official certificates from the training we did in Accra a few months ago. They were so excited! Teamwork makes the dreamwork. I couldn’t be here as long term as I have so far without the help and support of this group. Please be in prayer for them as we continue to walk through God’s work together and seek His face for guidance concerning the way forward. It is very possible I will soon need to split my time between this community and a place a few hours away that I have a new ministry partnership with. We are all seeking The Lord’s Will to do what most glorifies Him.

Thank you all for the love, support, prayers, and continued partnership in The Lord’s work in this part of the world! As we continue to face increasingly challenging days in this world, my heart and prayers are with you all as well. If we continue to show His love in whatever circumstance we are in, then the evil around us has no choice but be suppressed. The victory belongs to Jesus!
Love to all from Ghana,