It is a wonderful thing to be on the mountain with God, but a person only gets there so that he may later go down and lift up the others in the valley.
(Oswald Chambers/Mark 9:14-18)
Hello all!
Thank you all once again for taking time out of your busy schedules to read about what’s going on here in Ghana! Since the last update, there have been both mountaintop and valley experiences. The valley is where our faith is meant to be both tested and strengthened. The past month has opened my eyes even more to this truth day by day.
The weather here in Ghana is slightly transitioning from “rainy” season to the more dry season. This past rainy season was very disappointing for all farmers because the crops just did not produce as hoped, which make things even more difficult around here for families who depend on a good rainy season. It has been so strange because almost every day there would be clouds in the sky like it was about to rain, but then rain would rarely actually fall. I personally have enjoyed the break from the sun, but now the days are getting brighter and hotter as the clouds start to drift away.
For each picture I have to share with all of you, there is a story. Each story has a mountaintop and valley part of the story. I am thankful to be on this journey to be able to witness both because it has surely opened my eyes, changed my perspective, and strengthened my faith as I have also been on these mountaintops and more recently walking through a valley.
Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. (James 1:2-3)

I am excited to share that Wisdom is now out of the hospital! It was discovered he was severely anemic. His HB was 2.2 when he arrived to the hospital. This may sound impossible, but unfortunately it is not all that uncommon for a child or even adults, especially women, to have lower than normal HB levels here in Africa. For Wisdom’s case, it was dangerously low along with other health and mental issues. The doctors said he got care just before it was too late for him. God’s timing is always perfect. After 3 blood transfusions, 10 days in the hospital, and eating a more protein and iron filled diet, he was released. All of Wisdom’s health issues are due to lack of proper care and resources in his living environment. The doctors in the hospital even warned that if his lifestyle does not turn around fast, then he will be back there, or could even lose his life. That reality made it all the more urgent to get his case brought before Social Welfare. As I had shared in the previous update, Wisdom has a very complicated and broken family life. His mother passed away many years ago, and his father refuses to take care of him because he blames the grandmother for putting a curse on him causing all of these medical and mental issues. Wisdom has been living with the grandmother for the past 8 years, and from what I have learned from others in that same area is that Wisdom’s health has only declined more since being with her. The grandmother is now in her late 70s and having many health issues of her own. After a week of back and forth to the Social Welfare office trying to get both the father and grandmother to show up at the office for a meeting, it finally happened on a Monday morning. Both the father and the grandmother spoke their side of the story, it was all in Ewe, but I have heard both sides translated and they are both blaming each other. Wisdom was also there at the meeting. It is amazing how God has literally put life in him! During the meeting, Wisdom was smiling and trying to clap his hands as people were talking. He felt so much better, and I praise God for that!! The result of the meeting was hopeful. The Social Welfare officer on the case, whom I have gotten to know over the years, agrees that Wisdom should no longer be under the care of this family. Out of concern for his health and safety, the officer agreed to appeal to the court for Wisdom to go live at a Catholic run facility called: My Father’s House. They house special needs children and adults and have live-in staff members to take care of the ones there. I pray that we will be able to do all the necessary tasks to make sure this is where Wisdom will be headed in the near future! It will be a long process from what it seems, but there is hope.

When I visit Rumana’s area, I know I will always get a goofy group picture! Before I leave, Rumana always says: “Chelsi… photo!” meaning I should take a picture for her to look at it. Rumana also suffers from anemia, but her condition is sickle cell anemia. Over the years that I’ve known her, we have sought after medical care and different medications. There have been consistent times and even times of progress, but if I go there after being away for even just a week or two then I find that she had not been given her medications or doing the therapy she needs to do to help her muscles. Rumana’s mom really does try, but she has six children. The father of the children no longer comes around to support because he has two other families and has chosen to favor. Each evening, Rumana’s mom and another single mom in their compound make porridge to sell. That is the money they use to provide for the children in this picture plus several others not pictured. This is not the only situation like this. So many women in Rumana’s community are struggling to get by with little or no support from the father of their multiple children. With all of these issues going on, I still look around and see smiling and giggling children. They may be running around half dressed, dirty, and maybe even hungry some days, but they always find joy in the little things. This is because they are children. They are precious in His sight. God’s mercy and grace is on their lives, and I know He is ready and wants each child here and their families to turn to Christ as their Redeemer and Sustainer!

This picture is a special moment I was able to capture of Prince. He and I were sitting and going through one of our routines together which involves playing with a broken phone and pretending to call a young girl named Deborah that Prince loves! As we were sitting there he looked up and pointed to the top of a shelf. He was calling out a word, but I couldn’t understand it. I kept looking, and then I finally saw what it was. The bear that he is holding has been with him from the very beginning of his journey back to health. When I first met Prince, he was in even worse condition than Wisdom! The first time we took him to a hospital, he was admitted for more than 2 weeks. One day, I brought this bear for him to have with him. This bear is special because my grandmother is the one who sent it to Ghana. The bear says: Jesus Loves You! Everyday I would say that to Prince until one day, a few months later, I finally witnessed him smile!! So to see him reach for that bear brought back so many memories of what Prince has been through and how his health is today. He truly is a miracle. Now his older brother, Precious, is also working on making a life transformation, but a spiritual one. He is trying to come out of a life of following a gang, chasing money, and smoking weed. Precious has been coming to where I live to have Bible studies with my roommates and I. He has committed himself to have a relationship with God and hard work to get through school. He is really struggling right now though. He still faces temptations every day of his old lifestyle. He is battling his emotions from the past after losing his dad unexpectedly to a heart attack. The enemy is really attacking him, but God is also fighting for him. Please join us in prayer that Precious will allow God to to heal his heart wounds as he leaves behind his old life for good to walk in a new life in Christ.
After it was announced that school would not resume until next year, a few of the teachers that are living in Zuime decided that they wanted to hold classes for some of the children. So far, it has been going on for two weeks. Thanks to donations from the States we have been able to purchase some supplies like tables, white boards, school supplies for the children, and rent a tin roofed space from a local church weekly. Also, because of the donations the teachers who are helping are receiving financial support weekly so that we do not have to charge the children anything. We now have 6 teachers. It has definitely been a trial and error process to figure out what works best. On Fridays we do fun interactive activities with the children and serve hot Milo, which is like a protein drink, with biscuits (cookies). The one who is preparing the milo and serving it to the children is Sherrita. Now, she also receives the same as the teachers at the end of each week which is helping her and her children to be a bit more stable! I am truly grateful for how everything has come together. There have definitely been challenges due to trying to follow the COVID precautions in a village setting, but we have worked through them and each day the children get a few hours to be in a safe place to continue their learning.

We all walk through valleys at different seasons of life. My most recent and current valley has been adjusting to life with some medical issues. I want to be completely transparent and share that it has been an uphill battle for me filled with many emotions and experiences so far. I had to hit my knees and realize that the battle belongs to The Lord. I cannot change the situation, but what I can do is change my previous way of an active and spontaneous lifestyle. That has been difficult for me emotionally. While taking these medications I am on now, I must be more cautious and wiser with my daily activities. The medications have brought unusual side effects. Because of the anxiety all of this was causing me, I had to humble myself and lament to God on how I was feeling. His word says to be anxious for nothing and to cast our anxieties on Him! I had not been doing that. I was letting it all take over me. With the peace that surpasses all understanding from my Heavenly Father, consistent prayers, encouragement, and counsel from people here and my family and friends back in the States, I now have a different and better perspective on this whole thing. It has helped me realize that I am not alone. There are people all over the world going through the same thing, and many more going through worse situations. Here in the village I am living in, there are families all around me who face daily restrictions and struggles such as: living with no electricity, no efficient medical care, and lack even basic needs like clean water and enough food for their families. I am thankful for the financial support that has been sent my way to help with this medical issue I am facing. It has helped me to get more tests done and purchase medications I have been prescribed to take while I am here to help the issue. For that I am humbled and grateful for all these provisions. Lord willing, I will be returning to the States in December to seek further medical investigations. For that opportunity and blessing I am also so thankful. God has been so good through all of this, even when I have had doubt and fear. But fear is a liar. I will praise Him in the storm!
Thank you all my dear friends and family for all your support, encouragement, prayers, and love for me and my brothers and sisters here in Ghana! God bless!