...That I may know Him. Philippians 3:10
Hello all!
To quote a favorite hymn: “When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory!”
Life is full of celebrations, collaborations, and new seasons. Ultimately, as a follower of Jesus, the goal is: Him! To know Him. To love Him. To show Him to others. Last month included the celebration of teachers completing teacher training college, a collaboration with a sports group for a one-day program, and final year JHS students writing an exam to enter another season of their academic journey. As I have sought The Lord during my on quiet time with Him, I have found assurance and encouragement in His Word of how He is with us in all seasons and changes/challenges of life. When we set our eyes on Him, He calms storms, He washes feet, and He gently commands for us to do the same in others’ lives through His love. I want to thank Him and give Him glory for all He has done and continues to do. I also thank Him for the unknowns ahead, because even in the unknown and unseen, He is present.

After four years of teacher-training college, this group has finally come to the moment to celebrate their journey of receiving a teaching certificate!! This has not been an easy path for them, but they all persevered to the end. I have had the blessing of watching them all grow, not just in knowledge, but in their faith as they worked through many trials to get to this point. Many of you reading this were financially and prayerfully part of their journey too! For that, I thank you on their behalf, and from my heart as well. God has been so faithful in providing means for His children. This picture was taken before they dressed up in a cap and gown for the first time! In Ghana, graduation ceremonies are not too common, and are normally only for those who graduate from college, which is not a large population that do so! It was humbling to watch their excitement and gratitude on that day. We traveled together from Aflao on a 6-hour journey to the college campus that they have been doing a distance learning from called The University of Winneba. We toured the campus, participated in the graduation and activities provided by the school, and took a little adventure the next day to visit some national sights of Ghana. It was a great trip together, and the mark of new beginnings for this special group. I see this as a commissioning for them, to go in the guidance of the Holy Spirit to serve Christ wherever He may lead with the skills they have been equipped with all these years.
Sports Leadership Camp
Teamwork makes the dream work
The long awaited Sports Camp happened this last month, and it was beyond expectation! I was connected to this sports group several months ago and had been in communication with them to come and put on one of their camps in our area. The team is from Accra, the capital city, and it was a long shot to even get their attention. But, God provided! After planning, collaborating, and waiting, we hosted them for a one-day camp for three schools in the Aflao/Zuime areas. The three schools that participated each sent 15 students plus some to participate as coaches. It was a beautiful group effort in hosting this team from Accra. I could not have done it alone, and had great help from the headmasters of the schools who participated. This was not an openly faith-based program. But, the founder of the sports camp is a man of faith. He shared Biblical principles and scripture as he spoke to the campers. Everything was intentional. We started with a community project of picking up trash on the beachside, and then participated in character development sessions. Next, the campers were grouped into skills sessions for soccer and basketball. We all had lunch and fellowship together, and ended the day with playing soccer and basketball games. The majority of the students had never even touched a basketball before, so it was neat to see how much they grasped some mechanics quickly! The goal of the program was not just sports development, but to build a community within the participants and coaches from different backgrounds for one common purpose. They all spoke highly of the day!

I recently visited one of the schools that participated to demonstrate some of the activities to the female population. This is the same Islamic school that I have previously done teacher workshops for. The female students do not normally have the same opportunities to practice sports as the males, but through breaking down barriers, God has provided an opportunity to enter the school and continue building relationships; now through sports! He is always providing ways to point back to Him.
Sweet Reunion

The last few years, Sustaining Love Kids has hosted the Form 3 JHS students before they write their BEC, which is a final exam to enter SHS. I had asked Mr. Pius who was previously the headmaster for many of these students to come and speak some words of encouragement to the students. This was a huge surprise to all the students who come to the after-school program who had not seen him for at least a year! Hugs, laughs, and sweet words were exchanged. We showered the form 3 students with love and encouragement before they set off to write their exams, and of course with prayer. The prayer is that they will not define themselves by an exam score, but by what God calls and equips them to do for His Glory moving forward.
Sustaining Love Kids
We are preparing to end another academic school year over here on this side of the world. Students have been doing revisions for their upcoming exams. At Sustaining Love Kids, we have been focusing on some Spelling strategies by doing Spelling Bee tournamets with our older kids, and letter/sound recognition for the younger ones. The faithful ones from the very beginning that have come since the covid times have shown great improvement in their academics, but for me, the most exciting is to see some who have shown an eagerness for spiritual growth as well! We try to set aside at least one of our meeting days within the week to focus on Bible Stories, and discussion, and songs that will help them to know more of the Character of Jesus. Join me in prayer as we face yet another season of determining the future of this program. There are challenges within the place we meet, the ones who are helping to facilitate, and other logistics. Trusting The Lord in all for discernment and wisdom.
As I conclude this newsletter, I send my heartfelt thanks and prayers for you who may be reading this. I know our world is facing many challenges and division. My prayer is for the unity among people of faith to bind together for light to shine through darkness. His love Sustains, and I thank God for He has been never-changing and ever-present.
Sending love from Ghana,