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The Jesus Way!

Writer's picture: Chelsi MatthewsChelsi Matthews

Christmas is the story of a God who chose to enter the world in a way that no one could have imagined, a God who is in the ordinary and unexpected.

-Katie Davis Majors

Hello everyone!!

                I am quite behind on updating you all on life in Ghana. The month of December was a whirlwind filled with preparation towards a Christmas program with the Sustaining Love Kids program, which involved the reenactment of the story of Jesus’ birth being read aloud by one of our own children as a narrator. The other children sang songs throughout the reading of the story and some children played the roles of the characters from the Christmas story. It came together beautifully and joyfully as hoped! We are just an ordinary program that currently meets under a shelter made by our brother Jacob, but God always shows up in unexpected ways.

                We celebrated the end of the program with snacks, meat pie, and of course, small gifts for the children in attendance to take home! We sang songs, danced, and celebrated the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus’ birth for the whole world, including these precious children of Sustaining Love Kids.

                I had the opportunity to take a group of female youth from the church where I have been teaching Sunday School into a place for a weekend retreat. We did a Bible study together, worshiped, and discussed some challenges they face as young ladies in the culture they are in. It was such a sweet time together, and I was humbled by how excited and grateful they were to be outside of their normal day-to-day context to have a space just to express themselves.

                The Sunday before Christmas day, I took the whole youth group after church to the local hospital to visit the children’s ward. We had been taking up donations all month for this special day. We were able to distribute diapers, washing powder, and comfort items to the children in the ward on admission for various issues. We shared a Word of encouragement from the Bible and prayed over them. This was such a special time to share with these youth in helping them see how the ordinary things in life can be used in unexpected ways to show the love of Christ.

                A couple of weeks ago, I traveled back to Alabama to spend some time with family and have the opportunity to take part in a very special Mission Conference weekend hosted by Albertville First Baptist Church. I am always humbled by how God provides times such as this in just the season it is needed most. He is so good! I came here with a hope and prayer to share a vision with faith family here about partnering to help build a small library in the community of Zuime where I have been living life for almost 7 years now. As I reflect on all the ups and downs of my time there, one thing has remained the same, which is the children are eager to know and learn more about Jesus! They are willing to come to an after-school program where we talk about Jesus, sing songs about Him, all while also providing storybooks and activities to help with their literacy. What we have lacked is a consistent and secure place to meet. We have moved around to different meeting spots over the years, but have lacked an actual building to keep and organize the learning resources such as books, learning activities, and crayons and paper. After the weekend I spent at the Mission Conference at Albertville FBC, it looks like I have enough funds to begin the building process of a library for the precious children in the community once I return! This is so exciting and surreal. I am aware this will be a daunting endeavor, but one thing I am certain, is that The Lord has gone before me. This is His project for His Glory to be known. I am committing it into His hands. Please join me in prayer for this special project, and all the unknowns that come with it. I am expectant in Him.

                I am also linking an informational flyer I made about the Library Project for Zuime. As I had mentioned, I do believe I now have enough funds to begin this project and hopefully even complete the building. There are always unforeseen expenses that come with overseas projects such as this as well as the set-up necessities such as wiring for electricity, and any changes of material costs that fluctuate in a place such as Ghana. I invite you to look over the Library Project information and if The Lord calls you to participate financially, then the information to do so is available through Zelle or online giving to my sending organization’s website: Equip International.

                As always, my heart is full as I write this newsletter to you all. Thank you for your supper, love, and prayers. May the love of Jesus sustain you all!


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