Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…
James 1:2
Hello beloved friends,
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! What a year it was. A year of God’s goodness, faithfulness, and provision in ways that cannot even be expressed. I can only speak for myself, but I felt as if 2023 was a year for personal growth, humility, and complete reliance on The Lord and no one or nothing else so that my eyes can be fixed on Christ alone and His Sustaining Love. Throughout the course of the year, I completed a book with my dear friend and field supervisor, who can relate with me on the overseas challenges. It is a neat connection that brought us to this book which was written by a lady whose first book I read while I was in college. It was that book which pointed my heart towards serving God overseas. The author of that book happens to be a dear friend of my current supervisor and now dear sister in Christ as I have been serving with Equip. It is these full-circle moments that I believe God uses to remind us that He is always with us, working all things together. The takeaway from the book is that ultimately, no matter how bad things may be, or when circumstances do not look good, God’s hand is in it. He is there, in the unseen, and we are “Safe all Along.” -Katie Davis Majors

The Christmas season is such a sweet and special time for so many reasons. It provides an “Open Gate” for celebrating truth and light! People tend to be more receptive to talking about and taking part in programs revolved around Jesus during this time. So, we took advantage! There were three big highlights during the first few weeks of December. First, was our Sustaining Love Kids Christmas caroling venture around Zuime village. We began from our site where we meet after-school and began walking towards Mama Florence’s place (about a 15-minute walk with small children). We had been practicing for weeks prior for this, so the students were excited, but also not sure what to expect since this was the first time! We made crowns that said: Jesus is King! And were led by a sign and one of the male teachers (Jacob) on his motorcycle with our speaker blasting our Christmas songs about Jesus! We ended all with Mama Florence sharing the Christmas story from the Bible and the students receiving their gifts sent to them from US!

Next was a special outreach in the community of Detekope with Mama Florence and a few of the youth from her church. We gathered the children from this dark community filled with idol worship and Fetish practices to sing songs, talk about the birth of Jesus, and pass out gifts to the precious children. Just a simple coloring sheet, a toy, and a toothbrush brought so much joy and laughter that was unshakable in the community filled with such physical hardship and spiritual darkness.

Through the generosity of others, there was enough ministry funds available to do a “Christmas Bucket” give-away in the community. The ones among receiving a bucket were young moms who have recently given birth with little to no support, widows, and families that are struggling day-to-day hand to mouth. It was a blessing to see the joy these simple provisions in a plastic bucket brought. It also provided an opportunity to point back to the One Who provides all things through the love of His son.
On Christmas Eve, I joined Mama Florence’s Church for a Christmas celebration. We sang, danced, and I had the opportunity to share some insights from Scripture that The Lord had placed on my heart during the Advent Season. There was a challenge to open the Gates of our hearts for The King of Glory to come in. Christ our Savior that was born, was a Messiah different from what was expected or being waited upon. To surrender to Him is to live a life that has a posture of worship that is ready and open to His Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. His plan through a surrendered life is to bring Joy to the World through His Son!

The closing of my update is to give Praise to my Heavenly Father for being so good and merciful during the most very dark and unknown time in all my life. I received a call on Christmas Eve that my mom was severely sick in ICU at the hospital. This was unexpected and shocking news to receive from across the world. I felt helpless and hopeless in the moment, but as soon as I hit my knees and bowed my head to my Heavenly Father, I felt His presence so fiercely. He brought my heart unshakable peace during the next several days as I awaited any news at all…. After praying and feeling certain I should come to be with my family during this time, I flew to be home and face the unknown. I had recently read about how the Israelites chose to bring tambourines with them as they fled Egypt on the unknown path into the wilderness. I related to this. I wanted to cling to any hope I had during such a dark time. I am so humbled and grateful to share that not only was I not alone spiritually, but I was not alone physically. From the moment I found out about my mom, my two closest Ghanaian sisters came to be with me and stayed with me up to the moment I left for the airport. We sang, cried, prayed, and worshiped together during those days. It is what sustained my hope. I want to give Glory to God for my mom’s continued progress and miraculous turn around she experienced. I am here in the US for now, for such a time such as this. I am expectant and hopeful. As I am here, I want to be open and available to whatever God has in store. Thank you all for your love and kindness. I am asking for continued discernment for myself and my family as we navigate a new normal after such a drastic change in my mom’s health. So much more to celebrate and give Praise to God about! Please feel free to reach out to me through email or Facebook. Would love to hear from any of you.
God is with us. Always,
Chelsi Matthews