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Writer's pictureChelsi Matthews


But in fact, the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which He is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6

Hello friends!!

            As we enter this Advent season of preparing towards celebrating the birth of our precious Savior, I have been longing for spending more time in The Word of God. There has been so much happening that it can easily become a consuming and burdening cloud that hinders from intimacy with Jesus. Thankfully, God has provided just what I have been needing and longing for… more of Him!! I have been working through the book of Hebrews along with reading a chapter a day from both Old and New Testament while reflecting of certain promises and truths from His Word. This has helped me to remain steadfast even as chaos, challenges, and various setbacks swirl around. I am sure this sounds familiar to you all who are on the others side of the world reading this in relation to your own life. But… Take heart friends! There is a better promise we can cling to. It is Jesus! He came. He lived. He tore the veil from the Old Covenant, and made all things new through His birth, death, and resurrection. That is worth celebrating! That is worth shouting from the mountains! This beautiful sunset in the picture is one example of how God captivates my heart and reveals Himself to me as He looks on us all with love. That love was expressed through the life of His Son, Jesus.



            It never ceases to amaze me how God continues to provide tangible ways to show His love to those who are searching and in need of truth. The pictures above are from a recent teacher training I had the privilidge to faciliate for some teachers of a local Islam School. We discussed the most effective ways to teach phonetics to students, and practiced some learning activites they can implement with some learning resources that have been donated to them. The administration has been so welcoming of me coming around to spend time with them. We have nonegotiable differences in our beliefs of God, but, there is a bridge to be built with common ground. The foundation has been laid. I look forward to more opportunites, Lord willing, to continue building this bridge of love among these teachers, students, and community.



            Before I left for India, a work had begun to meet on Saturdays in the community of Detekope. A team from Mama Florence’s church has been going on alternate Saturdays to gather the children and do simple alphabet activities, sing songs, and just show love in tangible ways. I joined in this last Saturday’s trip to the community and saw such a positive response in the children! Despite their physical environment lacking good hygiene practices, dark spiritual practices within their homes, and majority not consistently going to school due to the lack of school fees, these children were eager to learn and soaking it all in! They were even more well behaved than most other children that attend school regularly. It showed me how education can often be taken for granted. Join me in prayer that these Saturday meetings can continue without hinderance from the community elders, and the challenge of reaching this area due to rough roads and the distance deep within the bush. We are preparing towards hosting a Christmas celebration for these children next time we go there!



            If you look at the faces of these precious little ones, you may not know of the hardships they were born into. Each one of these children have a story of God’s grace on their lives that I have witnessed. They have all faced such intense circumstances medically at early stages of their life. I have often wrestled with, why? Why do these little ones have to go through such terrible times. But, I am reminded that no matter their circumstances, they have the opportunity to be a marvelous testimony of God’s grace. The infant I am holding has been so close to losing her life at various hospital visits. The nurses even expressed their lack of hope for her…. But hope is alive! She is here with us for such a time as this. Join me in prayer that what The Lord has in store for her life will come to fruition.



            Our Sustaining Love Kids after-school program is preparing to GO and TELL through songs and caroling here soon. We have been practicing, coloring pictures, and planning our routes to go and carol. Christmas caroling is not a common practice here. I am excited to see how it all turns out. It will be a great opportunity to go out among the community to demonstrate through songs about the Good News of Jesus ! Join us in prayer that those who hear our songs will have open hearts to receive this good news and even join us in celebrating!


            With a heart of gratitude for each one of you, I pray that during the coming weeks you will all feel and know that God loves you through Jesus! He has been so good to me, that there is nothing that can still the joy and peace He gives. It is moments such as this that was captured above that He uses to sustain me through His love. There is nothing like a child’s smile, laughter, and eagerness to be loved. God’s gift to me is precious time with His precious little ones. Thank you all who have made this journey possible through generous financial gifts, and intercessory prayers over this past year. May His face shine upon you.

With much love from Ghana,


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